Opening Hours




Surgery Working Hours

  • Telephone 8.00am - 6.30pm
  • Surgery Opening 8.30am - 6.00pm
  • Appointments available 8.30am - 6.00pm

For non-urgent pre-bookable appointments please telephone after 9.00am.

Urgent on the day appointments please telephone at 8.00am

We are closed on Saturdays and Sundays


Out of Hours and Weekends

Outside normal surgery hours, it remains the responsibility of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to provide medical cover for Primary Care problems developing Out of Hours, often carried out by local GP’s.

The system is operational between 18:30 and 08:00 Monday to Thursday and from Friday 18:30 to 08:00 Monday and all Bank Holidays. This service is only for urgent situations that cannot wait until normal surgery hours and is not an alternative to your own surgery appointment system. For logistical reasons to minimise delay to patients it is not a drop-in centre and we would ask you please, if you develop problems after the surgery has closed, to contact the Out of Hours service on 111. Your call will be answered by an experienced nurse who will ask a series of questions to help assess your problem and decide an appropriate course of action.

The Out of Hours service is the most appropriate point of contact for any illnesses where, during the working week, you would seek advice or treatment from your own GP.


 When We Are Closed

 Planned Closures and Bank Holidays